Monday, December 5, 2011


Thanksgiving has come and went already! Now it's time to get into the Christmas spirit!! I am finding out that it is a choice. You can just live your life going through the motions OR you can really enjoy it by cherishing every moment. As I get older, I am starting to really see that each day is a gift and we need to enjoy each day. Really not sure anyone reads this blog! Ha! But, just in case another set of eyes are reading these words besides my own, I pray that you are enjoying your life!!

I know for me it is all about my attitude! Today I started out singing with my daycare kiddos! I sang these words, "This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it." We also have been listening to our favorite Christmas c.d. called "Snow" by Go Fish!! Check it our here It will bless you!!

Thanks for reading!

Have a Merry Christmas and choose Life!


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!!! Today I start reading my new devotional!! I will begin reading "The Confident Woman Devotional" by Joyce Meyer. I have always loved Joyce Meyer's teachings. I can hear from her, I believe that God uses her to speak to me.

Are you starting any new devotions? If so which one? I am excited to make it a resolution to get up each morning and read my daily inspirations! Today I read about the twelve disciples, and how we are full of gifts and talent just like the disciples. It also asked the question, Do you have a vision for your life? Some good stuff for us to think about. I encourage you to find a devotional you may enjoy or to pick up your bible and read it!!

Happy New Year and happy reading!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Little A's room!

This is how Anders bedroom looked before his Starwars room came about! Notice how cute his blanket, build a bear animals and his pillow pet looks!? He made his bed and put all his little favorites on his bed!

We are going to bunk the beds again. We will take Big A's bed and put it in Anders room. Big A will be getting a loft bed built by daddy! As soon has Dad gets so time to build it!!

The picture below is Anders closet! We took of the bi-fold doors off to create a nice place to store ALL of his toys! This is not finished yet! It will be getting some more shelves later on!

The big reveal of the starwars room will be coming soon!!

Until then, May the Force Be with You!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Run Shawna Run!!

I have not updated this blog in FOREVER! I am still running with my friends! We are doing a great job. Today was the first day we ran outside. It was raining lightly and I am sure we probably even stepped in goose poop. : ( You know what though, I enjoyed getting outside and it was even 40 degrees this morning!!

I am SO thankful that I am getting exercise, as well as develpoing good freindships with the girls who run with me. It is amazing how I feel after each run. I praise God for my body being able to do this.

What do you like to do for exersice!? Hopefully Spring is here!! Enjoy getting outside!

Monday, February 8, 2010

I am going to do it!!

So you wonder, what am I going to do!? Well, I am going to run a 5k in May! I finally decided that it is time to get in better shape. God actually showed me weeks before I started that I would get up early to run. I kept picturing it in my mind and finally acted on it! God has been so good to me, he also gave me 3 new friends to run with. I am so blessed to have the support and accountability! So 3 days a week I am running at 5:15 am! ( can you believe it, I am getting up early and getting it done!!) It is just a start, but I am excited to start seeing some changes and to be able to run further each day!! The hardest thing right now it doing push ups, I have no upper body strength. Not yet anyway!!

So, please cheer me on to go for it and keep training so a 5k can one day come easy for me!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Happy New Year!!

So, I was so excited to have a blog when I created it in Dec.2009. Now I just think they are a lot of work to maintain. I do well at reading blogs and I get so many great ideas, like crafty things! I hope to start to share some of the crafts I have done and am planning on doing real soon!

Happy New Year!!


Wednesday, December 23, 2009


This week has been wonderful and it will only get better! I am so grateful for my entire family. I am so excited to spend time with everyone over the holidays. Tomorrow we will be going to see my side of the family at my brother's home. On Christmas day, we are going to Aaron's mom's home!!

We have been having a christ centered week, with no t.v. which has been awesome. I have not heard the boys say " I WANT THAT." I am so tired of all the commercials and hearing the boys ask for everthing they see. It has opened my eyes to the fact that I may need to change some things around here!! They are great children and like to give to others. However at their ages, they are mostly selfish. Which is "normal". Hubby and I are trying to teach them different!

I am looking forward to making more memories with my entire family! My mom's 60th birthday is tomorrow too!! Happy Birthday Mom, I love you!

Merry Christmas!
