This week has been wonderful and it will only get better! I am so grateful for my entire family. I am so excited to spend time with everyone over the holidays. Tomorrow we will be going to see my side of the family at my brother's home. On Christmas day, we are going to Aaron's mom's home!!
We have been having a christ centered week, with no t.v. which has been awesome. I have not heard the boys say " I WANT THAT." I am so tired of all the commercials and hearing the boys ask for everthing they see. It has opened my eyes to the fact that I may need to change some things around here!! They are great children and like to give to others. However at their ages, they are mostly selfish. Which is "normal". Hubby and I are trying to teach them different!
I am looking forward to making more memories with my entire family! My mom's 60th birthday is tomorrow too!! Happy Birthday Mom, I love you!
Merry Christmas!
Oh, the difference a year (or three) makes...
11 years ago
Yes, it is "normal" but good for you for not accepting it! It's so hard though! I'll take any tips you want to share!